HOUSE WANTED. — A house. with 7 or 8 rooms. Apply to L.A. CAMPBELL, marble cutter.
WANTED. — A girl for general housework for about two months at Rideau Ferry. References required. $14.00 a month. — MRS. C. H. FROST, Rideau Ferry.
Cottage to Rent.
At Rideau Ferry. $5.00 per week. Apply to MRS. R. TEMPLETON. at Mrs. Meighen‘s.
Farm for Sale.
Comprising 200 acres in township of Drummond, lot 16 and 9th concession. Good stone house and outbuildings. This is one of the best farms in Drummond. For full particulars apply on premises to HUGH ROBERTSON. Innisville P.O.
June 15th, 1905.