A High Five to an International Team of Young Students

We recently received a lovely note from an international (USA) educator:

“I’m a mentor and tutor for a small group of kids in my local area. My class and I wanted to give you a shout and send you some virtual “high-fives” on your page, Genealogy Research Links. We enjoyed your genealogy resources and bookmarked them for our family tree project. 🙂

“While looking for more resources, the kids thought it’d be a brilliant idea to send you a page they found: History at Home-A Guide to Genealogy. They figured it’d be a great resource to add with your other resources on your page. Do you mind adding it? They’d feel so accomplished knowing it would benefit your web visitors.

We were very pleased to add this new resource to our Links section, and are delighted by the interest from and cooperation with these local students.

How exciting to know that a love of local history and genealogy is being cultivated in young students.

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